Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 20, 2024

*Submission inquiry email:
Interested participants should submit a one-page (A4) abstract of the presentation as a .doc or .pdf file for review by email: <email address>. The abstract should consist of a title, list of authors with full names, affiliation, and email(s) of corresponding author(s). The main body of the abstract should highlight the objectives and novelty of the presentation and the key results to be presented. An experimental method is optional. The abstract can include one or more figures to illustrate the results to be presented. Please refer to the sample template for the typographic requirements.
*Abstract file name:
Author (First name-surname) _theme_short-title
*Abstract Format:
English, Times New Roman (12 pt font) with left and right sides justified, 200 words.
Selected accepted papers will be e-published in Conference Proceedings (Edited Volume with ISBN) and Special Issues.
Authors who are registered will be provided with the Consent and Release Form. These forms allow the organizers the right to use, distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, reproduce, and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed any materials, including written, audio and visual works. One of these forms is required by each speaker to present at the conference.
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